Targeting Sales at Art Fairs
I love art fairs. Both as a participant with a stand and as a casual visitor strolling through the aisles and stands. I sell best at fairs. I love the vibe, the interaction, the festive atmosphere and the informality of it all.
Exhibitions are also great though they can be a bit stressful. Exhibitions are very formal and strict. I love the starkness of a show, the quiet sparkling clean feel as attention is totally on the artworks displayed. Putting the artwork on a pedestal.
Selling on the net is like doing radio; the dialogue seems to only be going out with no idea how many listeners there actually are. As with radio, some stay for the length of a song, some are advent listeners, tuning in every time the show is on air and others just zap on by.
I am discovering that each event demands different approaches; what works to display at each event, how to display the artwork, how I must converse, respond and represent the artworks at each event or platform. For each event and platform, I must target different audiences even though all these audiences are art lovers.
“Beach” – Fair Series, Acrylic on Wood, A-4
I have found that my main competition on the art fair goers is with the food trucks/ stands and not with other artists. A family/ a couple/ an individual will allot a certain expense when going to a fair. With a Maslow approach, first one will take care of basic needs: food, hunger. That is part of the immediate enjoyment of the fair. Then comes a memory to take home from the fair. Here is where the artists come in. The artist IS the fair! If one sits on a chair quite passively, waiting for someone to “drop-by” and buy, that may or may not happen. The artist MUST interact. On their feet, making eye contact with the passersby. Wishing them a good day, asking how they are doing? Enjoying the fair? Asking them which of the artworks they like best. Really taking an interest as it is important for the artist what will sell in the future. Telling them a short story about one of the works displayed, technique, something funny). ENJOY the conversation. Smile. When they choose something, continue to tell them something of importance regarding the item they bought. Wrap it quickly but nicely. Always have change. Don’t worry about competition. Everybody has different tastes. Therefore, there is room and place for all artist. Also, display items that are not expensive. Small handmade cards and paintings as well as prints hand signed by the artist. Remember that people want to take home a memory, a story from the fair. Something to share with others, years to come. BE THAT STORY.
Everybody needs art. There is Art for everyone’s state of mind, desires and tastes. Flatter me! Contact me if you would like to personalize a special occasion. Nothing like a meaningful, personal painting or drawing as a gift.
All the works on this blog are Printable and for sale. They are Barbara Adler originals. I love talking about my art and almost any subject related, so feel free to DM to converse and purchase my art, making it yours.
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