Hearing an Often-Repeated Comment May Mean Necessity of a Different Approach
Recently, I accompanied a dear one to a specialist. All went well, thankfully. The doctor gave a thorough examination and sent for further tests to reaffirm his examination. The examination was very professional and in depth. I was then quite surprised at the doctor’s approach, as miles of words have been said about bedside manner. He wasn’t rude, but he was arrogant. I totally grateful and respect the doctor’s many years of education, effort and hard work. What I less appreciate, that doctor thrashes out at the patient who does not always know procedures and often questions the doctor in order to understand. We have not had the same education or the same experiences as the specialist and our visits to specialists are an occasion. We immediately apologized for perhaps an inappropriate question. The doctor realized his mistake, apologized and continued by saying that his reason was that it wasn’t the first time he was asked that question. I was quite perturbed by his answer. Perhaps, when hearing the same annoying comment, the approach needs to change. Instead of taking for granted what appears to be common knowledge, go out of your way and explain/give instructions to exactly what you expect in advance. It means a change of mindset. It means the necessity to change.
This is universally and overwhelmingly comprehensive in all fields, professions and relationships. If we consider success by succeeding at the first attempt and fail, we need to get up and try again until we succeed. If we do the exact same procedure and continue to fail this means we didn’t learn from the previous experience. We must change something in order to succeed. It is part of the dialogue within ourselves. Artists and creatives in general do this all the time. That is the reason for evolving artwork and style over a period of time. That is the reason an artist may not be enthusiastic to paint in the fashion that they did a few years back. The artist is already in a different place. We often hear about the various periods of famous artists. Picasso did not go back to his blue period.
As we enter the holiday season, give a meaningful piece of art as a present. It is as a snowflake, one of a kind. A never-ending story that can be seen and told again and again, giving individuality and meaning to space and time.
There is Art for everyone’s state of mind, desires and tastes. Flatter me! Contact me if you would like to personalize a special gift for a special someone. Nothing like a meaningful, personal painting or drawing as a gift.
All the works on this blog are Printable and for sale. They are Barbara Adler originals. I love talking about my art and almost any subject related, so feel free to DM to converse and purchase my art, making it yours.
You can follow my process and progress on: Instagram.com/barbara_adler_art