The concept of altering our perception of time and space has always been of interest. Drugs were the shortcut. Shamans and medicine people always knew that. The concept of the Sabbath is making “space” in our week (time) without leaving “place”. Making space as in ancient temples, was a long way. Making order in the chaos of everyday life. Rituals and ceremonies happened at specific recurring times. Preparation was a must. The cleanliness of the space, the persona allowed, the ceremony evolved, the awe of the immense size and cleanliness of the space and place made for the priests and for visiting laymen, left a deep impression. The remarkable making of these spaces leaves us amazed and astonished to this day. I often imagine the biblical person preparing and making their way on their pilgrimage. Saving the money and materials needed for that pilgrimage. Leaving their family and community. Walking weeks on end through desert and forest. Not sure at all if they will survive the way. I can imagine their relief when they finally approach the city surrounding the temple. Finding a room to stay, walking the local market, buying provisions and necessary items for the temple. Finding a bathhouse and cleaning up. Putting on new clean clothes. Walking up towards the temple area, entering the area. The awe, the quiet, the size, the smells, the ceremony. This is the climax. Bringing the pilgrims to another perception of themselves and of their surroundings. They leave the temple mount differently, making their way home, hoping to be alive and able to share this amazing experience with their loved ones and community.
‘Sea from The Park” - Printable Digital Interpretation to Painting by Same Name @Barbara Adler Art 2021
The temple architecture, with all of its mosaics, ornamentations, vessels, and utensils is an immense work of art. An artwork that encompasses. At once, being aloof holding one afar, and also causing interaction with and within the space and with the individual.
Artwork, be it big or small, building, jewel, painting or sculpture, has the ability, if allowed, to transport its beholder, changing their immediate perception, for a limited time, drawing them into a parallel place within their imagination. We may look at an artwork, hear some music, see a play that allows us to take a break, take a “minute” vacation. Come back to our lives refreshed without even leaving our armchair.
Everybody needs art. There is Art for everyone’s state of mind, desires, and tastes. Take a break, reflect and delve into some of my art, to my stories.
All the works on this blog are for sale and are Barbara Adler originals. I love talking about my art, so feel free to DM/contact me regarding my art and possibly making it yours.
“Fig Tree” - - Printable Digital Interpretation to Painting by Same Name @Barbara Adler Art 2021
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