The Constantly Changing Conception of Our Perception of Art
A few months back, I was at my green-grocer, buying my weekly stock of fresh fruit and vegetables. He is situated on a small side street near a beautiful old stone church with a courtyard. The light hit the large trees in the courtyard in a specific way intensifying the whole picture, making it dramatic. I pulled out my phone-camera and took some photos. He asked about the photos. Even though he is situated in such a wonderful spot, he hadn’t stopped to notice the beauty of it all. I told him that I find this spot and view very inspirational and wish, perhaps, to draw or paint it. He proceeded to invite me to feel free to draw. He drew up a chair, gave me some paper and a pen. I began to draw the courtyard, the church and the trees with of course my impressions and interpretations. The grocer and his wife stood behind, looking over my shoulder at what I was doing. When I finished my quick sketch, I noticed their growing dismay and disappointment with my drawing.
‘Mindscape” – Ink on linen paper 210gm, 19.5/19.5 cm @Barbar Adler Art 2021
Their expectation from my drawing was a concept that most likely goes back to the 19th century; a painting or a drawing that is a captured moment in time of a nostalgic place, person, or memorable moment. All those possibilities are now done by the camera. They expected a “window” capturing the fleeting moment. Well, there are artists that do that and are wonderful. That is fine. That is not me. When I wish to make an illustration depicting a place, person, or moment, I whip out my camera, take a shot and then proceed digitally. Digital illustrations are wonderful for that form of expression of capturing the feeling of that fleeting moment and giving it a very updated twist.
“Between The Park and The Sea” – Print on Glass of Digital Illustration @Barbara Adler Art 2021
The concept of our perception of art and its purpose has changed with the invention of the camera at the end of the 19th century. Without a doubt, our concepts have changed throughout the 20th century, with the industrial influences through and out the entire aspects of our lives whether it be the streamline of the modern kitchen that resembles a small-scale assembly line in a factory to the banality of mass executions, factory holocaust style. In art, the desire to reframe and redesign the purpose of art lead artist to search and research within and without the boundaries of art, leading in a wish to simplify, to a total abstraction of color, form, and line. This led to a conceptual attitude to art, making it into visual poetry or thought.
The importance of placing artwork on the wall as another widow to the space/ area/ expanse still exists. We need that extra “window’ to lead us into a better place within ourselves. As Mark Rothko coined it; a Mindspace, a landscape into our minds.
“Sea-View” – Acrylic on Canvas, 70/100cm @Barbara Adler Art – Oct.2021
A fantasy place, a visual poem or story. The ability to take a momentarily break from reality and come back refreshed. For some, a beautiful watercolor of a sunset in a forest with hues of orange and browns does the job. For others, a fine print of a digital interpretation illustrating a place will do. Yet, for others, a nicely framed large colorful, expressive abstract canvas in their living room, bedroom or workspace is the need of the hour. Our concepts of the perception of art are a reflection of the times that we live in. We live in a time of constant mobility and change. Our ability to go virtual means that we have the ability to think abstractly and the same time, being totally in reality. Therefore, artwork on the wall is a must.
Everybody needs art. There is Art for everyone’s state of mind, desires and tastes. Take a break, reflect and delve into some of my art, to my stories.
All the works on this blog are for sale and are Barbara Adler originals. I love talking about my art, so feel free to DM/contact me regarding my art and making it yours.
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