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Our Relationship with Art #4


I would like to think, in my “Utopian World”, that all those doing art, appreciate art (of others), and those that appreciate art, love to do it. I do realize that is not the case.

HEY! I should know! I studied ceramic design for 4 years. Graduated and Received my B.F.A in that field. Haven’t touched clay since. NO-NO… I can’t stand the feel of the clay. Used to love it. Well, I love the smell. IT IS a convenient material to sculpt with, but the rest of the process is just exhausting; the drying, the first-firing, the glazing, the second firing, the top glazing, the third-firing(!) and through the whole process praying to the Lords-of-the-Kilm that the pieces will come out perfect, the right planned color, not cracked, broken or deformed. So, even as an artist, I do not like doing certain art forms. I personally know of people that love looking at art, but really do not like to do art.

To be honest, I always preferred color and 2D over 3D though, I had a difficult time as a youngster, drawing realistic pictures, but was able to precisely sculpt totally realistic pieces. That is, basically, how I wound up in ceramic design. I am not sorry for having studied to the extent of graduating, as it taught me discipline. How to approach and research a subject, to have the patience to see the process through, to know and understand the creative process. All that in another blog…

Back to Appreciating Art vs. Doing Art.

I now know that I am a colorist. I love color, more than anything else in the art process, but color can’t stand on its own. It needs forms and lines to define, a backbone to tell the story, the narrative, so the color won’t be all over the place. Those lines and forms along with the name of the painting, help the art appreciator to understand what they are looking at and not to scare them off.

“Preoric-Sea”, Acrylic on Oval Stretched Canvas, 40/30 cm, 15.7”/11.7” @All Rights Reserved to Barbara Adler 2021

That is in comparison to the artist, the art-do-er. The artist is forever experimenting. The artist is much closer to a scientist than a scientist would like to admit. Forever checking out new materials. For instance, Leonardo De-Vinci’s last supper. The most renovated piece around. Since the time De-Vinci finished the work. Who in his right mind puts oils on a wall meant for fresco? Well, we will give De-Vinci a benefit of the doubt as the oil paints were brand new and came from the north. Got to hand it to him, he experimented big time. One of the most important works of art was actually an experiment. As an artist, we have the freedom to do what we like with the materials. We ask questions like, “Hmmm, what will happen if I do such and such” and then will ask, “Do I like what I see?”, “Can I/should I repeat this process?” We have fun while playing/ experimenting. Not all works that come out of this process are worth displaying. Though prints of De-Vinci’s notebooks are sold today and each sketch is a masterpiece, I sincerely doubt that De-Vinci had any intent for his notebooks to go public. I am also not sure that De-Vinci appreciated other artists, as his rivalry and despise of Michelangelo is quite known. As an artist, it is a good idea to get out and see what other art is around. Maybe collaborate. Give support and encouragement to fellow artists. See new techniques. I totally get it though, if an artist is secluse, as very often we need to pull in, close off all background sounds and fully focus inward so we can listen to our fragile, soft inner-voice so important to producing our distinct unique style.

"Sea-dreams", Acrylic on Canvas Paper, A-3, @All Rights Reserved to Barbara Adler 2021

We are not in competition. The population of the world is close to 8 billion. As artists, we are only 1.4% of the world's population. There are enough artists and styles to go around.

Art appreciators, Appreciate and Support Art. Find the visual story that suits you.

Artists, do your thing!

Everybody needs art. There is Art for everyone’s state of mind, desires, and tastes. Take a break, reflect and delve into some of my art, to my stories.

All the works on this blog are for sale and are Barbara Adler originals. I love talking about my art, so feel free to DM/contact me regarding my art and possibly making it yours.

See more of my art on my website:

Or follow my process and progress on:


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