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POSITIVE THINKING #1. Coffee with Salim


My mornings of late, begin slow. As the day goes on, the tempo picks up, till early evening, when my energy levels suddenly drop. My former job had me on the go, fast and furious from very early in the morning. The effect was, that I was totally high strung and stressed out. Not much fun or creative.

I really like my mornings now. I can listen, even before getting out of bed, to the early morning sounds: the rustling of the wind, the pattering of rain, the chirping of the birds, the church bells, the Mo’azin calling for prayer, even the trash trucks doing their rounds. I have time to contemplate my surroundings, my needs, the needs of others. I am open to LISTENING.

I spoke to the Printing House the day before yesterday. I needed an estimate, some advice and to print up on Italian canvas and Belgian linen-paper three works. They always receive me nicely even if I just drop by without notice. I just most likely have to wait. Time is an asset and they really want to give me full attention. So here I was, early morning, on my way to the printers. As I drove the narrow street that led to his house and office, I found the friendly printer finishing his morning bike ride. I waited a few moments till he put the bike away and put up a pot of coffee. The first pot of many pots made through the day. To have the privilege to have the first cup from the first pot of the day was amazing! We sat outside enjoying the morning breeze, around a table at the entrance to the printing house. We spoke about family, the happenings around us, issues of the day. We DID NOT talk business. After coffee, the chat and smiles, we went inside to do our business. I really enjoy talking to him and his extremely gifted son, who does all the scanning and fancy printing. Conversations like these, are very friendly, respectful and lead to trust. Trust is an extremely important factor in any relationship that encourages respect, professionalism and the desire to do the given job the best effort and input.

“Coffee Break” - Digital Illustration of Photograph -all rights reserved @Barbara Adler 2021

Being aware and available to listen, seems to be an art and the basis for good relations with all those that surround and that are around. Before art, there are people and relationships. The art can tell the story but sometimes NEEDS a little help from a friend, the artist.

Watercolor and ink on paper A-5 , all rights reserved @Barbara Adler 2021

It doesn’t mean that one adopts the others narrative. It does leave space for empathy, sympathy and dialogue. This appears true to all of our relationships be they spouse, children, parents, friend or foe, neighbors or colleagues. Listening also allows us to be quiet, pay attention to our surroundings, to watch, to take in. To make us content and happy, knowing that we are being useful and helpful in our specific fields through our awareness.



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