Running, Art and Introverts
OPENING here with a TRIGGER question; What is the common denominator between art, running and being an introvert?
I am an only child. I doubt that any only child wishes to be an only child. As youngsters, we always look at our friends with brothers and sisters with envy. Even when they are in the midst of a big fight. They are never alone. I look at my own children and I see the tight relationship between them, as if they are constantly, silently, telling each other private jokes and secrets. Always understanding their siblings, often better than the parent. At the end of the day, all children go home to their families. School holidays, Evenings and rainy days, the only child must amuse themselves if they cannot be with their peers.
Amuse myself I did! We lived next to a farm (in the middle of a city!) that had a barn(!) and a duck pond, both became my favorite subjects to draw and paint. The area was still almost untouched, so there was a lot of nature, very close to home. I could walk and hide in bushes, pretending that I was in a jungle. To this day, my inspiration comes from nature, a token taken from my early life.
I really learned to cherish my time on my own. I held a council to myself. I even found out that I NEEDED to be by myself to recharge. After spending time with friends, I felt exhausted. My time spent in my room, drawing, and painting, filled me up with energy. Later on, in high school and then college, I found out that a run on the beach, on the sand dunes, or in a park could do the same.
“Pomegranates” - Digital Illustrations based on My Photos @All rights reserved to Barbara Adler Art
What was in common with both of these activities? One does them on their own. True, one can take art classes, do drawing marathons, share studio space, but the actual happening is within the artist: their thoughts, ideas and prosecution of the process. Same with running; there are running groups, track and competitions, but the runner uses their own legs, putting one in front of the other, by themselves. They are self-motivated as the artist.
Both activities are fantastic for the introvert. I am not saying that there aren’t artists or athletes that are extroverts. Just saying, as “one-who-knows”, that these two fields fit quite well into my introverted nature. They actually allow me at once to both recluses to recharge and to climb out of myself and communicate with my surroundings. Running is always competition to talking about the weather when small-talk is necessary. Art itself is a language. It can be interpreting into many words and stories, depending upon who is looking at it.
“Lady Praying Mantis”- Digital Illustrations based on my photo @All Rights Reserved to Barbara Adler Art
Artists, do your thing!
Everybody needs art. There is Art for everyone’s state of mind, desires and tastes. Take a break, reflect and delve into some of my art, to my stories.
All the works on this blog are for sale and are Barbara Adler originals. I love talking about my art, so feel free to DM/contact me regarding my art and possibly making it yours.
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