Jun 26, 2021POSITIVE THINKING #2. Optimism and peace of mind“WE ALL NEED ART " Art conveys optimism and peace of mind. Art draws us into parallel zones of Time-Space, into our imagination and...
Jun 19, 2021POSITIVE THINKING #1. Coffee with Salim"COFFEE WITH SALIM" My mornings of late, begin slow. As the day goes on, the tempo picks up, till early evening, when my energy levels...
Jun 12, 2021LESSONS FROM COVID-19. Lesson #4: PrioritiesMy dogs were never so happy. Everyone was home. Always a lap to put their head on.
Jun 5, 2021LESSONS FROM COVID-19. Lesson #3: PeacefulnessThe world was spinning too fast. A Merry-go-round out of control. Frightening. I couldn’t catch my breath.
May 29, 2021LESSONS FROM COVID-19. Lesson #2: PerspectiveBefore Covid -19 we had email, listened to You-Tube or Spotify, were on Facebook or Instagram. Now, everything(!) is done online.
May 22, 2021LESSONS FROM COVID-19. Lesson #1: Perception is choice.How would you like to remember the world if the world was to end tomorrow? Wouldn’t this be the best “End-of-the-world” party ever?